Sink the Bismarck!

Down here at Gibraltar, we've Force H...
Renown, Sheffield, Ark Royal.
We can't strip the Western Mediterranean...
with this Crete business going on.
Perhaps if we left Ark Royal down there...
and sent the other two out.
No, sir.
We may need Ark Royal's aircraft.
What do you think, A.C.N.S.?
It's taking a serious risk.
I know Shepard has weighed
that very carefully.

In view of what the prime minister said...
we don't seem to have much choice.
Well, I may be able
to argue with you two...

but I can't quarrel
with the prime minister.

Order Force H to sail.
Aye aye, sir.
It's not for you, boy.
Oh, thanks.
Thompson, where are you?
My dearest Tom...
I'm really much too tired to write...
but I think of you so very often...
that I'm always afraid...
there may be things
I will forget to mention.

Marvelous. No letter again.
Where are we off to this time?
Tom, is it true...
your father is director of operations?
I'm afraid it is.
He's got a nerve, moving
us out of Gibraltar.

Tell him we don't want to go to sea.
It's my fault, really.
I thought you blokes would like
a couple months in England.

You're kidding.
Not at all. My girl's in London.
You mean to say
you asked your father if...

They wouldn't dare, not in wartime.
Your father would do the same for you.
This is the captain.
I thought you'd be interested to know...
we shall be operating in the Atlantic.
We've got orders to go
after the Bismarck.

No, no, boys!
If Bismarck holds her
present course and speed...
