Strangers When We Meet

- Hi, Maggie.
- Hi.

- I thought you weren't coming.
- I said I would.

- Shall we sit down?
- Sure.

- Did you have any trouble?
- No.

Let's not talk about it, please.
- Would you like a drink?
- Please.

Good. Waiter. What do you drink?
Anything. I don't care. What do you drink?
- Martini?
- Fine.

- Waiter, two martinis, please.
- Yes, sir.

It's crowded in here.
We're pretty far from home.
I don't think we have to worry.

- The waves are wonderful, aren't they?
- They're beautiful.

I got a builder for Altar's house.
A man named Di Labbia.

I think he'll do a good job.
We start next week.
I feel very guilty. Don't you?
Yes, I do.
Do you want to leave?
Good. I thought we'd go through
that whole U-turn routine again.

Thank you.
- I'm sorry, sir.
- That's all right.
