Tirez sur le pianiste

I'm like the others.
When I had money...
women looked at me in the street.
I looked back...
and undressed them.

Most of them liked that.
It gave them pleasure.
I looked harder.
When I hit on a decent girl...
I was ashamed.
It made me think of my mother.
We'll go to the cafe
to give notice.

We'll make a team together.
I'll wake you up.
You'll be Edward again!
Not why... for whom?
For me... and you too.
I'll struggle to help you.
You must give auditions.
And concerts!
Charlie is dead!
Buy me some stockings...
and then we'll go and give notice.
"Scandal number 2"
Mandarine shade.
I just want you
to tell me when it's over.

I never got that from any guy.
When you don't love me anymore...
just tell me.
