Tunes of Glory

On the other hand, gentlemen...
it is important that we remember...
to play our part in the social life
of the locality.

On the 20th of February, therefore...
a month tomorrow...
I have decided
we will have a cocktail party.

Now, the next point
is a minor one...

but quite an important one,
I believe.

One of the great things
about a battalion such as this...

is that it's had its headquarters
in the same place...

for more than 200 years.
For this reason, gentlemen...
it is essential that we maintain
certain standards.

We have the reputation
for being tough men in war.

We must also maintain our reputation
for being gentlemen in peace.

- What's he gettin' at?
- Old school tie.

- Please don't talk!
- Colonel.

In this connection...
I would mention the way we dance.
I'm well aware
that you all know the steps...

but some, I feel, need reminding
that dancing should be considered...

a social grace...
rather than a noisy ritual.
Therefore, starting tomorrow...
each Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday morning...

at 0715 hours...
there will be dancing for three quarters
of an hour before breakfast.

No one will raise his hands above his head
except in the foursome reel.

No shouting.
No swinging on one arm.

The pipe major will take the parade...
and you will report dressed as you are now,
but with plimsolls on.

Subletons turn out,
I presume, Colonel?

- All officers.
I've been dancing reels
for 30 years.

I thought he said his visit
the other night was unofficial.

- You said something, Captain Rattray?
- Sir.

