Tunes of Glory

I'm sorry.
You're a very patient man, Jimmy,
and I'm very—

I'm very grateful.
You've got no coat.
I'm sorry.

I thank you, Mr. Scoby. Cheers.
Uh, Export and orange, please.
Export and an orange.
- Where on earth did you meet her?
- At the ice rink.

- She was there and —
- And you talked to her, eh?

No, no.
No, I went back the next day.

- And then you talked to her.
- No, I had to go back the third day.

So you must be getting very proficient
at the ice-skating, eh?

Well, you're a good piper and a good corporal...
and a soldier's private life is his own...
but, uh...
you're asking for trouble, lan.
Do you have to go on seeing her?
Thank you.
Yes, Pipey, I do.
#For we're no'awa'#
- See you later, Pipey.
- Aye, see you later.

# For we're no' awa' tae leave ya #
# For we're no' awa' tae bide awa' #
- #We'll aye come back an' see ye ##
- Party, eyes right!

Hold a minute!
You're a shower, you are.
So the band still goes to the Bridge.
- Sir.
- Aye, it's a long tradition, that one.
