Wild River

created a vast new agency called
The Tennessee Valley Authority,

or TVA,
and authorised it to build
a series of dams along the river.

At the same time,
the Tennessee Valley authority

had to buy all the land
along the shore of the river

and all its islands.
Some people had lived on
this land for generations.

Some people refused to sell,
under any persuasion whatsoever.

Hi, I'm Chuck Glover.
I'm Betty Jackson.
I was Mr. Biggs secretary.

Do I inherit you, too?
I don't know. Mr. Biggs left
so suddenly he didn't say.

You're inherited.
What desk should I use?
That was Mr. Biggs desk.
Thank you.
What's the matter?
I thought they'd send
an older man.

No, they sent a younger one.
Shall we get to work?

I'll get the folder
on Garth Island.

Getting the old lady off Garth
is difficult.

You're the third one
they've sent to try.

Ella Garth versus Washington.
Poor old Mr. Biggs
was disgusted when he quit.

I'll bet he was.
Maybe, it could be
he went about it the wrong way.
