A Raisin in the Sun

Give up and leave me alone.
It's Mama's money.

He was my father too.
So? He was mine too.
And Travis' grandfather.

But the insurance money
belongs to Mama.

Picking on me won't make her give it
to you to invest in liquor stores.

God bless Mama for that.
- You always say that.
- Honey, please.

Go to work.
Nobody in this house
is ever going to understand me.

Because you're a nut.
Who's a nut?
You. You're a nut.
Thee is mad, boy.

The world's most backward
nation of women. And that is a fact.

Then there's those
prophets who would...

...lead us out of the wilderness
into the swamps!

Who in the world is slamming doors
at this hour?

That was Walter Lee.
He and Bennie was at it again.
My children and their tempers.
Lord, if this little plant
don't start...

...getting more sun, it ain't
never going to see spring again.

What's the matter with you?
You look peaked.

It's too drafty to be half-dressed.
- Where's your robe?
- The cleaners.

Go get mine and put it on.
I'm not cold.

- I know, but you're so thin.
- I'm not cold.

Lord have mercy!
Look at that poor bed.

Bless his heart, he sure tries,
don't he?

He don't half try at all because
he knows you'll fix everything.

A little boy ain't supposed
to know nothing about housekeeping.

My baby, that's what he is.
Now that you'll be home all the time,
that boy'll really be spoiled.

My first day home.
I'm going to sit this body down
and let it rest.

Just let it rest
from here on in.
