A Raisin in the Sun

...even Travis.
Ten thousand dollars.
Sure is wonderful.
Ten thousand dollars.
You know what you should do,
Miss Lena?

You should take a trip somewhere.
To Europe or South America someplace.
Just pack up and leave.
Go on away.
Enjoy yourself some.

Forget about the family.
Have yourself a ball
for once in your life.

What would I look like wandering
all over Europe by myself?

Shoot! These here rich white women
do it all the time.

They pack their suitcases...
...and pile on a steamship,
and swoosh! They gone, child.

Something always told me I wasn't
no rich white woman.

What are you going to do
with it then?

Well, I...
...ain't rightly decided.
Some of it's got to be put away
for Beneatha's medical schooling.

And ain't nothing going to touch
that part of it. Not nothing.

Then I...
...been thinking,
just thinking, mind you...

...that we could meet the notes
on a two-story somewhere.

With a back yard
where Travis could play.

If we used part of the money
for a down payment...

...and everybody pitch in...
...I could take on a little work again
a few days a week.

Lord knows we put enough rent
into this rattrap...

...to pay for four houses by now.
Well, I...
...expect that's about all it is.
But I remember the first day
me and Big Walter moved in here.

We hadn't been married
but two weeks.

And we wasn't planning
on living here more than a year.

We was going to set away
a little by little...

...and buy us a little old
two-story out in Morgan Park.

We'd even picked out the house.
Looks right dumpy today.
But, child, you should have known
all them dreams I had...

...about buying me that house
and then fixing it up.
