Kohayagawa-ke no aki

Well? Shall I leave it to her?
Why not
I'll leave it to you
I'll look for one
Noriko maybe visiting me today
I'll telephone
-Where's the telephone?
-That way

-OK, she's OK

That's fine
A big OK
Youtruly knew my taste.
She's the right age, too

Arrange everything, will you
Let's dine out later.
Anyway, let's have a drink

Excuse me
Is Gin Fizz all right?
Three Gin Fizzes, please
OK, OK. A big OK
That's wonderful
Let's toast to this occasion
A toast
I am home

I'm sorry to keep youwaiting
I hurried home.
I turned down an invitation

Isn't this wrong? Think again
Isn't it like this?
Then this is wrong

Think hard
What is it? What did youwant
to discuss with me?

They want me to have
a marriage interview
