Kohayagawa-ke no aki

No! It's Yamada.
Youshould know him!

I don't know him
That's too bad
I've been asking his help
I can't leave it up to youpeople
-Well, then...
-Forget it

I will not. Be quiet!

Are youreally worried
about the business?

-Of course!
-Then why not go again today?

-Hurry, get ready

Not today
I just saw him yesterday
No! Quicker the better
Please go to see him again today
Not today
I've taken a bath
I'll prepare it again
Please, Father
Please go and seek his help
Do yoususpect me to that extent?
I'll go, then!
If yoususpect me so...
...have Rokufollow me!
How insulting!
Youmistrust your own father!
I'm going!
Have someone follow me

Find out where I go!
