Kohayagawa-ke no aki

Hand me that
-How about some?
-No thanks

Youdon't drink much
Beer fills me up quickly
Moss grows unusually fast,
doesn't it, Brother

The gravestone was covered with moss
Yes, so it was
Moss grows faster than they describe
Yes, time flies
It's been six years
since Akiko became a widow

Where's Akiko?
She left with Noriko
I see
The other party is keen about Akiko
He has two children,
a girl and a boy

He welcomes Akiko's child
That's fine. How does it sound?
I think it's a good match...
...but it all depends
on how she feels

Yes, but she can't wait forever
Akiko has a long time to live yet
She can't go on living by herself.
It's pitiful

Yes, but...
How does Noriko feel?
She's already had her interview
Have youasked her, Fumiko?
Yes, I asked her, but...
What did she say?
She's quite confused
She isn't definite
I see
She should decide right away
I think...
...it's a fine match
