Murder She Said

Do sit down,
Lull the murderer into a false sense
of security, then pounce!

What's that?
Oh, how stupid of me, I am so sorry,
You will have some tea, won't you?

- Oh...
- Tea for the lnspector, please,

Yes, ma'am,
Well now, have you got him?
Well, l... that is...
,, we've come to the conclusion that
what you saw on the train was...

,, a man and a woman...
Yes, as I said,
I mean...
perhaps they were honeymooners?

Inspector, I may be
what is termed a spinster,

but I do know the difference
between horseplay and murder,

Yes, Miss Marple, but there's been
a full search of every train

and no hospital has treated
any such woman,

She was blonde,
with a fur collar coat,

No such woman was seen getting on or
off a train alone or accompanied,

Of course not, she was dead!
The tracks were searched for the
whole length of the line - negative,

Oh, so you don't believe me?
I didn't mean to imply that,
- You did,
- Not at all,

What then?
A woman cannot be murdered
on a busy train

without our finding out about it,
I'm sure you mean well, lnspector,
but if you imagine
that I am going to sit back

and let everybody regard me
as a dotty old maid,

you are very much mistaken,
Good day!
