Murder She Said

free board and lodging
from Friday night,

- Friday,
- What's that to do with you?

Oh, nothing! It just happened to be
an interesting day for me too,

How old were you?
Mind your business,
Anyhow, it was a miserable weekend,

I hope it'll be a long time before
I have to put up with them again,

Not a nice way
to talk about one's family,

Not a nice family, You know what
that overgrown beatnik Cedric did?

He told Emma in front of me
she should get away and get married,

Trying to make her
as selfish as he is,

I don't know, If Emma did marry,
it wouldn't be such a bad thing,

Father, I thought I'd tell you,
I'm just going into town,

I'm leaving, Can I give you a lift?
Why do you want to go to town?
Can't she go for you?

It's tradesmen, A few bills to pay,
Oh, money, that's a different thing,
You can't trust anybody
these days, Off you go,

- May I be of service?
- Thank you,

Of course you can, save the price
of a taxi, I pay you enough as it is,

It will be on your bill,
Are you ready?

- Only my coat,
- Good,

Friday then, Mr Ackenthorpe,
Good day, Miss Marple,

Good day, Doctor,
If you don't
shut those windows, you'll be fired!

In that case, I shall require
four weeks wages in lieu of notice,

- Get out of my sight, woman!
- With pleasure!

Your weight isn't evenly distributed,
