One, Two, Three

Schlepping that syrup
over the Andes on llamas

while kids were being promoted
over my head.

But you are in Berlin now.
This is not the doghouse.

I used to have nine countries.
Now I've got half a city.

But... ha-ha! MacNamara rides again.
I'll be the white-haired boy now.
I'm going all the way.

It's Atlanta.
Hello, Mr Hazeltine? Yes, I can hear you.
- I'm fine. How are you?
- If you must know, I'm miserable.

Those damn magnolias are
in bloom again and so is my hay fever.

MacNamara, there's something
I'd like to discuss with you.

I thought you would. You got my teletype?
It's right here in front of me.
Those figures for May are not bad at all.

Thank you, sir.
And how about the Russian deal?

Napoleon blew it, Hitler blew it,
but Coca-Cola's gonna pull it off.

Forget it. We are not interested in
doing business behind the Iron Curtain.

We're not interested in Russia?
I wouldn't touch them with a ten-foot pole.
And I want nothing to do with Poles either.

But this could be the biggest thing for us
since we introduced the six-pack.

- Well, if it's against policy...
- You're damn right.

But that's not what I called about.
I'd like you to do me a personal favour.

You want me to ship Mrs Hazeltine
another set of Meissen china?

No, it's about our daughter, Scarlett.
She's 17 now.

Sweet girl. Fell in love with
some rock'n'roll singer.

No, that was the one before. This is
some pimple-faced basketball player.

Anyway, we sent her off
on a little trip to Europe.

- Where was I?
- Scarlett, basketball player, Europe...

Oh, yes. We had her spend a couple of
weeks in Rome and a couple in Paris.

She's arriving in Berlin this afternoon.
So if you and Mrs MacNamara...

We'd be delighted to have her stay.
It's just that my family has made plans.

- And I have a few plans of my own.
- If it's any sort of imposition, never mind!
