One Hundred and One Dalmatians

Any news, Colonel?
Not a blasted thing.
They're lost or captured,
or something or other.

- Who knows what.
- Colonel, here comes a car.

Come now, Tibs.
Don't be ridiculous.

- They wouldn't be driving.
- Yes, I know, sir.

But it's heading
for Hell Hall.

It... It's stopping
at the gate!

It is?
Blast it all!
Better see what's up.

- On the double, man. On the double!
- Yes, sir.

Take over, Captain.
Righto, sir.
I'm sorry,
MrSimpkins. The answer is no, no, no.

Six down, four to go.
I've got no time to argue.
It's got to be done tonight.

It must be a yes
or no question.

Do you understand?

But they ain 't big enough.
You couldn't get half a dozen coats
out of the whole caboodle.

Dog-skin coats?

We'll settle for half a dozen!
We can't wait.

The police are everywhere.
I want the job done tonight!

How're we gonna do it?
Any way you like.
Poison them, drown them.

Bash them in the head.
You got any chloroform?

- Not a drop.
- And no ether, "ee-ther".

I don't care how you kill the little
beasts, but do it... and do it now!

Aw, please, miss.
Have pity.

Can't we see the rest
of the show first?

We want to see
"What's My Crime?"

Listen, you idiots!
I'll be back in the morning.
The job better be done...

or I'll...
I'll call the police!

Do you understand?
