The Errand Boy

And if they're afraid of horses,
they're certainly not going to let them
use real rocks on them.

Mistreated girl, you think.
She was formerly middleweight
champion of the Marine Corps.

The lovers... In real life,
these two are man and wife.

All right. Here we go for a take.
Would you mind not sitting on my jacket?
If I had my way, stupid,
I'd be sitting in another state.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Well, listen, nitwit, if it wasn't for me...
If it wasn't for you...
You imitation of a screen extra,
I oughta smack you right in the mouth.

Lights. Camera. Action.
Besides everything else,
you are the very dream that I dreamed.

Aside from the behind-the-scenes
activities of the people on screen,

we would like to show you the activities
of the motion picture tsars
and tsaresses.

So as not to make this a completely dry
and stilted documentary,

we have acquired the services
of one of the most prominent

and highly intelligent idiots available.
