The Errand Boy

This is
Paramutual Pictures Incorporated,

and the inner working brain of
a company of successful movie-makers.

How do you expect us to continue
to be successful movie-makers,

when constantly,
day after day, we're losing money?

And furthermore, and most important,
we're not losing it at the box office.

I suppose that's because
movies are your best entertainment.

This money that I mentioned
that we're constantly losing,

it's here, in the studio,
and we must find out how and where
it's going and who's getting it.

Now, I have sitting beside me
Mr Fumble

of the distinguished firm
of Fumble, Fidget & Fuss,

the famous efficiency experts.
I've asked Mr Fumble here
to help us find out

why money is being wasted
by some 3,000 employees
of Paramutual Pictures.

In short, we need an efficiency expert
to be exposed
to the everyday routine of the studio

and report to us any financial leak
or excess spending.
