The Errand Boy

Now listen, and listen loud!
When you guys come and go
from this office,

I want you to come and go in quick order.
Without unnecessary chatter
amongst yourselves.

- Haskins!
- Yes, sir.

See that the accounting department
gets these letters.

- Lance! I...
- Yes, sir.

I want you to make a pick-up
at TP's office. Double time!

Larkin! Go down... to the LA post office
for a registered letter

and sign for it
and bring it back here quick.

- And now, Morty...
- Yeah!

- Morty.
- Yeah.

- Before I give you your assignment...
- Don't yell or hit.

...let me make this clear.
- I'll listen to every clear.

- Good. This is very important to me.
- I'll do all the things.

Now, you are to take these packages,
envelopes, papers...

...and other matter, and papers...
- Also these?
- Also these.

Deliver them to the addressee
on the outside of each item.

- Is that clear?
- Yes, it's very clear.

If I see it says to go to a place, I'll go,
but if I don't, it won't be clear.

Now for the important part.
You know, Morty, I'm a very patient man.
I noticed how terrific your mind is.
It takes a great deal for me
to become unhinged for any reason.

When my nerves tip me off
that I'm going to become unglued,

I have to assert myself.
Do you understand?

- You're about to smack people.
- That's when I have to assert myself!

- If you just don't bang.
- Is that clear?
