Town Without Pity

The first time I set eyes
on the defense counsel...

...was when he walked into my hotel.
Maj. Garrett, sir.
-From the Judge Advocates' office.

Thank you, Sergeant.
Major Garrett.
The wheels of American justice
turn awfully fast, don't they, Major?

I beg your pardon?
I'm lnge Körner. I write for 'The Globus',
a German news weekly.

Yes, I've heard of it.
-Have you?
-And smelled it.

You work for a rotten sheet, lady.
Do you consider it more fragrant work
defending four monsters?

I've been assigned a job here.
The sooner it's finished, the happier I'll be.

So will a lot of people.
May I ask you a question?
Miss Globus, or whatever your name is,
please stop following me.

I'm not the following type.
I'm interviewing you.

Congratulations. You've set a record
for the shortest interview in history.

''Theaters of operation:
''Pacific, Korean, Italian, North African.
''Bronze star. Silver star with clusters.''
You puzzle me, Scott.
How can a man with your war record
behave like a low-down hood?

Maybe I just forgot
to declare peace, Major.
