Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea

- The presídent wants you there.
- Can you send a plane for me?

Thermal condítíons have grounded all aírcraft.
There's nothíng flyíng anywhere ín the world.

The temperature has reached 135 degrees.
We don't know how much hotter ít wíll get.

DEWlíne headquarters just below the pole
reports the polar ícecaps are meltíng.

OK, we're on our way. Be there in two days.
Godspeed. Out.
- Let's get going, Cap'n.
- ln a moment, sir. Picked up a survivor.

Doc, lend a hand.
He must have been there two days.

- He's burned to a crisp.
- Who is he?

l don't know.
Let's get him to sick bay.
- Take her down. Full speed New York.
- New York?

- Aye aye, sir.
- He had this pooch with him.

- Take care of him.
- And here are his papers.

All right, take her down. Periscope depth.
Full dive on the planes! Flood negative!
- All ahead, full!
- All ahead, full!

- What's his name?
- Miguel Alvarez.

A civilian scientist. Doing
a government survey on lce Floe Delta.

- Lucky to be alive.
- So are we.

How is he, Doctor?
Severe exposure. Small wonder, lying out
there in 135 degrees heat for two days.

- Jim...
- Listen, Doctor.

Jim... Are you there?
l can't hold on.
lt's breaking away. The ice floe's drifting.
Jim... Jim, can you hear me?
Mac! You there? Mac... Mac...
There must be others
still out there on that ice!
