Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea

presented hís own plan, whích ín essence
says ''Hands off. Let's waít and see.''

Unofficíal sources tell us that Dr Zucco's
arguments swayed the scíentifíc body,

and they míght gíve hím
theír stamp of approval.

However, in view of Admiral Nelson's
scientific achievements,

we've been advised that the international
scientific committee is standing pat,

until Nelson's plan can be evaluated.
..doít être consumé que par le feu.
Non, non, non, non, non! Arrêtez.
Tout ce que nous faísons ící...

Some woman is a bit hysterical.
Nerves are on edge, and this may be one
of the most important moments in history.

The admíral and Commodore Emery are
comíng ínto the conference room now.

Les vues, à ce sujet,
de notre collègue dístíngué...

Je demande la permíssíon, à M. le présídent,
de donner la parole à l'amíral Nelson.

We thank the French delegate for his remarks,
and we will take them under advisement.

We acknowledge the arrival of two of the
world's most distinguished scientists,

Admiral Nelson and Commodore Emery.
And now, the chair
will listen to Admiral Nelson.

Mr Chairman, distinguished scientists,
ladies and gentlemen.

This planet is impaled on a roasting spit,
slowly but inexorably being seared
and blistered by the fire in the sky.

lf the Van Allen belt continues to burn,
the world will burn with it.

And no one can doubt that civilization
as we know it will disintegrate

if the temperature should rise to 175 degrees.
Now, in the last five days
the recorded temperature rise
has been two degrees every 24 hours.
