Wild in the Country

You could write, you know.
- I'd rather read.
- What do you read?

[ Laughing ] I'd like to have passed out
when you asked my pa if I read comics.

I got so mad, I could've
thrown you right through the door.

Pencil, pad and everything. They
could've put me in jail for 20 years.

"Who's he?" "Ah, nobody,
Just reads comics and sucks a jug."

You're not being fair.
I didn't know you then.

You made me small that day.
- Do you read very much?
- Some.

- Don't you wanna talk about it?
- It makes me very nervous
to talk about it, ma'am.

See, I was helping at home, and
I was late gettin' out of high school.

So being a year behind, and
a head taller didn't help any either.

Hmph, every once in a while
I'd mention about...

how I wanted to write.
You'd think I'd set a blow torch
to the American fag.

What's a man for
if he can't aim high?

- But--
- But you gave up.

I guess.
Well, I guess I'd better be
on my way, ma'am.

I've got some more
deliveries to make.

Glenn, what do you think
of this idea?

The thing that happened
at Hi Tension Grove last week--

write it all down in your own words
Just as you told it to me.

I can t.
-Any certain time you'd like to have it?
