Wild in the Country

* So smile
when you kiss me *

* Tomorrow you may c *
* But I'll be true to you *
* In my way *
* Yes, I'll be true to you *
* In my way **
- I'm going to bed.
- Oh, no, don't go.

- Pa won't be back till 1 :00.
- Don't bait me.
Might get yourself in trouble.

I won't tell a word,
I promise.

I wanna get outta here.
I'm young.

- I want a good time out of life.
- Then paint your toenails red
and run away.

It needs a man to go to hell with,
because that's what I want.

Hours and hours of heaven
that just slides on down to hell...

and we don't care how
or when it ends.

You're wild, Glenn,just like me.
Unhappy wild!

Pa's got some money stashed, and he
hides it like a hoppity little squirrel.

We could take a slice of that money
and run away. Nobody would know.

- You know I can't run away right now.
I got plans.
- I want you, Glenn!

And I mean want, ever since we went
wadin' in Feltcher's Creek.

-I know I was only 1 2--
-You've done a lot of wadin' since then.

I wanted you even then!
There's nothing I wouldn't do for you.

Just ask and see.
Is that why you treated me
like dirt all these years?

You think I'm no good,
don't you?

- Who's that?
- It's Dace.
