
You're still afraid of him because
he used to roar at you like a brass bull.

You can't stand up to him
even when he's gone.

He's gone to the devil once and for all,
I can tell you.

He's lost his nerve.
He's creeping about the city
like a shivering priest.

Why do you think he's not come back?
Because he's afraid to stir hand or foot.

-We don't know yet, he won't come back.
-Who cares if he does?

We got a man here who can hang him
in his own guts.

He came out of that prison mad.
Acquitted but mad.

We'll soon see it then.
So, you remembered the way to get here.
Given you up this past week.
You'll find things altered.
What's over is over.
I remembered the way.
Bring them across.
