Girls! Girls! Girls!

Great! Any time you wanna
make it permanent, let me know.

Thanks, Sam. I'm still a fisherman.
- What's this?
- The swinger with the mink look sent it.

- You must smell of musk or something.
- Excuse me.

I don't work here,
but thanks anyway.

- What's the matter? Not enough?
- Want me to...?

- You sing lousy anyway.
- Thank you.

- I thought you sang very well...
- He stinks! The old stinkeroo.

- Ross Carpenter.
- Laurel Dodge.

Yes, sir.
The real old-fashioned stinkeroony.

- Who's the intellectual?
- A bad idea I had. Blind date.

- He's blind, all right.
- Wait, pal, get your own date.

Had to call the cops, didn't you?
Thank you.
- Go cry on her shoulder.
- Wait a minute.

You're Sir Galahad, all right,
to strangers.

- I'm sorry I caused trouble for you.
- Don't give it a second thought.

