Hell Is for Heroes

- Henshaw!
- Yeah, Sarge?

Come here!
- Whose truck is this?
- I dunno. It was just sitting here.

- And it happened to need fixing?
- She's running a little sloppy.

- What was wrong with it?
- I'm not sure.

Do me a favour.
Put it back together again. Please!

- Hey, Corby!
- Good afternoon, Sergeant.

- Still charging $5 a fountain pen?
- They're $7.50 now. $8.50 with ink.

I need a volunteer for detail.
Oh, I forgot.
For you, they're only $5, Sarge.

Purple ink is very passionate.
- $3.
- I'll take it.

- See me pay-day.
- You dirty...

Hey, Homer! Homer!
Come here!
Yo, Homer! Hey, over here!
Come here.

You been goofing off again?
No goof. Gets paper.
Not Homer's fault.
Big trouble, fall down.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute!
Come here, Kolinsky!

What happened this time?
He didn't goof off.
He did what you told him.
He bought the paper and pen.
A jeep...sideswiped him.
He fell in the mud.
He lost the pen.
He looked and looked...
...and turned the mud
upside down...and couldn't find the pen.

Me ashamed lose pen.
- I gave you $3. Where's my change?
- No money. Lose, too.
