How the West Was Won

Can't I have this toilet water, Pa?
- Genuine Parisian Accent, it says.
- How much is it?

It's only 15 cents.
Fifteen cents! Put it back.
You're right, sir. Absolutely right.
You save the pennies and dollars will grow.

Likely you've growed many a dollar,
ain't you?

Mr. Peddler, all my life I've been strivin'
to avoid becomin' a millionaire...

...and I think I've succeeded right well.
I've got a little put away in the sock
and it'll stay right there.

Well, now, them's my sentiments exactly.
Now, you, sir...
You look like a man of property.

Now, if I was to bet,
I'd say you was worth a $1,000.

Pretty close to the mark?
Well, close, maybe.
Colin, how much powder we got left?
Don't be afeerd, now, don't be afeerd.
Now, there's women and children here.
You gents wouldn't want us to have
to start shootin', now, would you?

Be of good cheer, folks.
Why, it's in our noble tradition
to conquer the wilderness...
