How the West Was Won

Would you walk with me a piece, Eve?
Eve, I...
Eve, all the time I was paddlin' down here
I was thinkin'...

...if I found you alive, I'd...
Would you come to Pittsburgh
with me, Eve?

I'm stayin' right here.
I ain't movin' a foot one way or the other.
Now would you explain that a little?
Ma and Pa,
they wanted a farm in the West...

...and this is as far as they got.
Seems to me this is where the Lord
wanted the farm to be.

But your brother, Sam, he's bad hurt,
and winter's comin'...

There's no sense talkin' about it.
I'm gonna do it.

Eve, you just ain't makin' much sense.
Half the people that come West
don't make much sense, I reckon.

All right.
All right.
By golly, you're a strong-minded woman.
I reckon I seen that varmint
for the last time.
