In Search of the Castaways

You will see one thing
w-without question.

Their location is given
as 37 degrees...

11 minutes, southern latitude.
That's no good
without the longitude.

Consider first, milord,
on the 37th parallel...

there are only a few places
they could be.

That's what I've always said.
If Captain Grant's anywhere at all,
he's in Australia.

It's only logical, monsieur, if you know
anything about shipping and commerce.

Use the head, milord.
The note makes reference
to being captured, no?

And you can make out the word
''Indian'' or ''Indians.''

So where on the 37th parallel
would they be captured by Indians?

- Australia, of course!
- Aboriginals, yes. Indians, no.

By George! I've got it. South America.
Couldn't be anywhere else.

And if he was captured by Indians,
he'd be on the West Coast.

It's a matter
of simple logic, monsieur.

We'll go there and follow
the 37th parallel over the Andes...

until we find Captain Grant.
Osborne, find Captain Mangles!
Tell him I'm going to change course.

- Thank you, milord! Thank you!
- Oh!
- Now, just a minute.

Don't forget that
it was me who arranged--

- Thank you!
- Thank you, milord!
- Thank you, milord!

Oh, please!
I'm an Englishman, you know.
