Journey to the Seventh Planet

There are no limits to the imagination.
And man's ability to make reality
out of his visions...

is his greatest strength.
Through this skill he has been able
to conquer time and space.

The story you are about to see takes place...
after man has solved
the complex mysteries of space travel.

The year is 2001.
Life is changed now.
The planet Earth is no longer racked
by wars and threats of annihilation.

Man has learned to live with himself.
The United Nations is the sole
governing body of the world...

and the great hunger now is for knowledge.
All the planets near the sun,
including Saturn...

have been explored
and chartered by the UN space fleet.

But as yet, no sign of life in any form
has been discovered.

The search goes on,
and systematic exploration continues.

Spaceship Explorer 12...
is now on a mission to survey, land...
and investigate the seventh planet, Uranus.
