Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation

Why, that little monkey
will have her laughing so hard...

she won't remember
she has braces or anything.

Won't she?
They're here, Peggy!
Did you have any trouble finding it, Stan?

- Not very much.
- Good.

- How's my Susie girl?
- Hello, Sue. Hello, Stan.

- Oh, Daddy!
- We expected you earlier.

Oh, hey, hey.
What's the matter, baby?

L— Oh, Daddy, not now. Later.
Don't you look beautiful, Peewee!
Come on, Peter.

- Stan, how's it going?
- Fine, thank you. And you?

- Oh, fine, fine. Not bad.
- Come on, darling.

- I don't like you.
- Hi, Peter boy.

- Don't you want to give Boompa
a nice big hug, darling?
- Boompa?

It's what he calls you. He's talked about you
so much, I really don't understand this.

Excuse me, Peg.
- Boompa?
- Don't you want to say hello to Boompa, Peter?

I don't like Boompa!
All right.
Then you just come on out of there!

If you don't mind,
it does no good to yell at him.

- All right. Then you get him out of there.
- Well, l—

- Susie, I'm— l—
- Oh, they're just tired and hungry.

I'll— I'll heat them some milk.
Some milk. Yeah, get some milk.
You need some help?

- Come on, Peter boy!
- I wanna go. I don't like this place!

- Come on.
- Mommy!

- Help!
- Don't worry about that stuff, sir.

I'll bring it in just as soon
as I've got him taken care of.

Oh, darling. Will you get
that stuff upstairs right away?
