Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation

Well, p-perhaps
if you ate a little ice cream.

Please, Mother.
I want to go home.
All right, darling.
I'll go look for Dad.

Come on, Katey.
Excuse me. Are you Katey?
- Yes.
- Well, come on. Let's dance.

- No, thank you.
- Well, come on. What's the matter?

- I just don't care to, that's all.
- Well, all right.

Just one time around, anyway.
- Break. Come on, break!
- Since when?

Give me a chance too, will ya?
Where have you been
all my life, wife?

Hey, thanks, Mr. Hobbs!
- What's the matter?
- Well, uh, she's okay, Mr. Hobbs.

- Very cute-looking, but—
- But-But-But what?

- Well, has she got lockjaw or something?
- Oh, no.

I mean, with her mouth all squinched up
like that, I can't get her to say anything.

- Joe, it's her braces.
- You mean, they hurt?

- No, she just doesn't want anybody to see them.
- Well, why not?

Well, she just got them,
and she's not used to them.

You know, it—
Joe, what's your father like?
Oh, Dad? He's okay, I guess.
- All the time?
- Most of the time.

Now and then, he's a little kooky,
of course.

A little kooky. Why don't you
go in there and tell her that?
