The 300 Spartans

And still a queen.
Well spoken, Artemisia. I've tried to curb
his arrogance with the wrong weapon.

A woman's tongue is deadlier than the sword.
Why do you permit him to remain here?
He may serve my purpose.
The Greeks are assembled at Corinth
to discuss my demands.

Above all, I don't want them to unite.
Once they disagree among themselves, men
like Demaratus may be of great use to me.

To us, you mean.
I need your advice, too.
Come tonight, Artemisia.
Will you come?
Only if you promise to limit our discussions...
to the Corinth assembly.
As I said before, the independence of
our cities is the cornerstone of our freedom.

Therefore I propose that each city
deal with this problem independently.

Without surrendering its dignity.
But also...
without futile heroics which can only end
in the mass suicide of the Greek race.

Silence! Silence!
We shall now hear from
the representative of Athens, Themistocles.

10 years ago, the father of the present king
of Persia invaded Greece at Marathon.

On that occasion,
the Athenians rose to challenge him.

Our Spartan friends,
famed for their piety
no less than their military prowess,

volunteered help, but were delayed by,
if I remember correctly, a religious festival.

Whereupon the Athenians,
unaided, outnumbered ten to one,

attacked the invader
and threw him into the sea.

We've no time for history now.
Things are different today.
