The 300 Spartans

Yes. Things are different today.
Today the danger is much greater.
The whole of Asia is descending upon us.
Many times more men than there are Greeks.
These men are fierce, savage,
bloodthirsty, merciless.
But that is not the reason why we should fear
them. That is not the source of their power.

Their power lies in their unity.
Remember that one terrible word
which will surely destroy Greece

unless we counter it with a unity of our own.
A unity of free men fighting together,
resisting this united tide of tyranny.
We all know Themistocles
to be a master of words.

But before we allow ourselves
to be led by them,

let us consider some other words
that have been spoken.

Has Athens not sent for and received
a prediction from the Delphic oracle?

Come now, Themistocles.
No Greek state acts
without first consulting the gods.

Why not reveal this prediction to us, instead
of trying to draw us into a hopeless war?

There are no hopeless wars, friend.
Only hopeless cowards.

You are evading the answer.
I happen to know this prediction by heart.
And here it is.
"Fly to the world's end, doomed ones.
Leave your homes. "

"For fire and the headlong god of war
shall bring you low. "

This clearly seems to me
that the gods foretell the doom of Athens.

Isn't it wonderful
that we have among us such a clever man?
