The 300 Spartans

- You're a Spartan again.
- Leonidas took me back into the army.

- You must have done something wonderful.
- Nothing another Spartan wouldn't do.

- How are you now?
- My fever's all gone.

Old Toris made me a bowl of herbs.
She's so kind.

I can look at you again.
I'm no longer ashamed of myself.

I've never been ashamed of you.
I knew you were always a good soldier.

- But...
- Yes?

I've been watching Samos and Toris.
They're such good and simple people.

They know nothing about honour and glory.
But Toris knows that every night
her man will be sleeping at her side.

They live for themselves. They do no harm.
Is it a crime to want to live in peace?
No, Ellas. But you shouldn't speak like that.
- Why, you yourself gave me the shield.
- I know. I know it all.

I know that for a Spartan,
life is a kind of preparation for death.

But why should a love like ours go down
and be trampled in dirt and blood?

We must be ready to die for our country.
But we don't have to die.

- I want to live and come to you with victory.
- Victory? Did you see the enemy out there?

And there are only 300 of you.
We have men from other cities. Good men.
Everybody expects the Spartans to die first.
- Why hasn't the Spartan army arrived?
- They will come.

- When?
- I don't know, but they will come.

Our people won't abandon us.
- Those are the horses of Leonidas.
- That's my aunt's servant riding them.
