The 300 Spartans

Without surrendering its dignity.
But also...
without futile heroics which can only end
in the mass suicide of the Greek race.

Silence! Silence!
We shall now hear from
the representative of Athens, Themistocles.

10 years ago, the father of the present king
of Persia invaded Greece at Marathon.

On that occasion,
the Athenians rose to challenge him.

Our Spartan friends,
famed for their piety
no less than their military prowess,

volunteered help, but were delayed by,
if I remember correctly, a religious festival.

Whereupon the Athenians,
unaided, outnumbered ten to one,

attacked the invader
and threw him into the sea.

We've no time for history now.
Things are different today.

Yes. Things are different today.
Today the danger is much greater.
The whole of Asia is descending upon us.
Many times more men than there are Greeks.
These men are fierce, savage,
bloodthirsty, merciless.
But that is not the reason why we should fear
them. That is not the source of their power.

Their power lies in their unity.
Remember that one terrible word
which will surely destroy Greece

unless we counter it with a unity of our own.
A unity of free men fighting together,
resisting this united tide of tyranny.
We all know Themistocles
to be a master of words.

But before we allow ourselves
to be led by them,
