The Counterfeit Traitor

- Good evening, general.
- Frau Möllendorf. Good evening.

Good evening.
- Good evening, general.
- Who's that?

You remember,
we met her at Albert Speer's.

She's the wife
of Friedrich Möllendorf.

Since we'll probably be seeing
each other from time to time,

we'd better establish
a reason for it right now.

The obvious
and most acceptable one

is that we immediately found
each other irresistibly attractive.

I don't know how believable
that would be to my German friends.

- You see, I'm married.
- So am I.

Unfortunately, that's exactly
what will make it credible.

Glance around.
In Berlin today, there's a feeling
of almost desperate urgency,

which somehow
seems to settle in the glands.

Now, if you could capture
some of that urgency,

I have something
to tell you.

- How's this?
- Oh, now there's candlelight

and champagne in your eyes.
And your smile has just
the right amount of lechery.

Do I look convincing?
You look convinced.

Now, I'm told you're here
to recruit some of the oil officials.

Whom did you have in mind?
Werner Albricht.
But London said no.

Oh, they're so right.
Werner Albricht has
been currying favor lately.

It would be quite a feather
in his cap to turn you in.

No, no, no. Your best bet
is the man you came
with this evening.

- The baron?
- Smile.

Well, he's as patriotic as Wagner.
With a name that
goes back even further.

His family means everything to him.
He'd do anything to protect them.
