The Counterfeit Traitor

That's why he can't refuse you.
I couldn't do that.
He's one of my oldest friends.

I know.
There are many things
I've had to do

that I can't explain
to my conscience.

- Frau Möllendorf.
- Baron von Oldenbourg.

I should have warned you,
this man has as many conquests
to his credit as Genghis Khan.

If you hadn't interrupted,
I might have been one ahead.

If we don't get out of here,
I'm going to have to explain
the Fischer-Tropsch process

to the Japanese delegation.
Would you join us for dinner?
I'm sorry, I'm with friends.
- Oh, I'm so sorry. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

- Goodbye, Mr. Erickson.
- Goodbye.

I hope I'll see you again soon.
Now, Gerhard.
Assuming I could get

approval of the Swedish

you think your oil commission would
be interested in exploring the idea?

I think they would be
very interested.

How much do you figure
it would cost?

Not a penny.
I have no intention
of building a refinery.

All I want is a sound, legitimate
reason to travel to and from Germany.

I'm working for the Allies, Gerhard.
