The Counterfeit Traitor

When I was young,
I made a vow

that someday I'd live
comfortably and lavishly.

I've kept that promise.
But this stuffy little place means
more to me than all the rest.

It's the only home
I've ever cherished...

...because it's filled with...
...and love and you.
You still want them to notify London?
I wish I could say something
that would be of consolation.

Perhaps if you saw a priest,
he'd give you absolution.

For yesterday's sins, yes,
but not for tomorrow's.

That's something for
my conscience to determine.

And it has.
My conscience has always been
like a well-trained dog.

I could tell it to go and sit in the corner
and be quiet, and it would.

Since I've known you,
it hasn't been quite so obedient.

It keeps shouting for me
to do the very thing

that your conscience won't permit.
Then you must do it.
On my trips back to Berlin,
I won't attempt to contact you.
