The Premature Burial

-Yes, darling?

That melody you're playing--
What is it?

"Molly Malone."
Don't you like it?

No. Please stop playing.
But it's a charming melody.
I said please stop playing it!
I'm sorry. I...
Is there anything I can do, Guy?
No, nothing.
I'll come With you, Guy.
No. Please leave me alone!
All of you,
leave me alone, please!

Guy. Guy, darling.
Please Wake up.
They've all gone noW.

Yes, Emily.
Are you feeling better?
I think so.
What's the matter, Guy?
What happened to you doWn there?
I can't remember, exactly.
I Was talking With
your father, and then--

And then What?
The music.
Something about the music
you Were playing.

What Was it about the music?
It Was the tune
he Was Whistling that night.
