The Premature Burial

Yes, my dear?
You Wish to say something?
Well, in that case...
Iet me tell you
about my latest addition.

I thought of it
the night before last.

Of course, it's highly
unlikely I shall ever use it...

but one never knoWs, does one?
Permits of easy egress...
and it's completely
impassable from the outside.

A simple arrangement,
I grant, but effective.

Guy, this is madness.
Madness? It's the only
Sane ansWer to my problem.

I'll shoW you just hoW mad I am.
I suppose she's told you
my father Was a cataleptic?

No, but that doesn't mean that--
And I am prone
to the same affliction.

Very Well.
Let us consider the folloWing.
Apropos of nothing at all,
I have an attack.

Let us say it happens
during dinner.

Emily sends Judson
to fetch a doctor.

The doctor arrives,
he examines me...

and pronounces me dead.
I am, of course, alive.
You knoW the nature
of catalepsy.

But to the rest
of the World, I am gone--

passed on, deceased.
So a funeral is held...
and I'm brought
doWn here to this vault...

and placed in this coffin.
The mourners have departed...
the doors are both locked...
and I'm alone.
NoW, pay close attention.
