The Premature Burial

you don't think it's catalepsy?
He's never had these
attacks before, has he?

I mean, fainting spells,
dizzy spells?

No. No.
But his father--
To the best of our knoWledge...
catalepsy is not
an inherited affliction.

And there's a neW
line of thought...

among some of us--
myself, Cargrave,
and a feW others--

that may shed some
light on Guy's case.

You see...
most people tend
to think of the body...

and the mind as being
totally different--

tWo separate entities--
Whereas, in point of fact...
they're actually linked.
No sugar.
Do you folloW me?
Yes, I think so.
You see, physically...
Guy may be perfectly sound noW.
HoWever, this constant fear...
that gnaWs at him
night and day...

may actually bring about
a condition of catalepsy...

Where no such
condition exists noW.

I see.
Well, What can be done?
I am not sure.
I'm not sure at all.
HoWever, I do knoW this--
that Guy's mind is like
a keg of gunpoWder...

and the smallest thing
might set the fuse--

the most innocent
reminder of death--

corpses, graves,
anything at all.

That's the first thing
you must remember.

Do you understand?
Yes, I understand.
Oh, Miles, I Wish you could
come and stay With us.

Well, I Was just thinking.
The laboratory doWnstairs.
What about it?
Well, you may knoW that Guy
offered me the use of it...

in order to further
my researches.

If I accepted his offer...
I might be able to come
here from time to time.

Oh, Miles, that Would be
absolutely Wonderful!

Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Well, I must go noW,
but I'll be back.

And remember,
the smallest thing.

Don't forget.
