The War Lover

You must hate the Germans.
I hate war and everything about it...
...unlike your friend, Capt. Rickson.
I had a feeling that night at the dance
that you were running away from Buzz.

Perhaps I was.
Most women find him attractive.
He is, in a dangerous sort of way.
Why do we always end up talking
about Buzz?

You started it.
That's right, I did.
I was in love with a man like him once.
At least, I thought it was love
till I found out what he was like.

Don't look at me like that. You must
have had a girl back in the States.

I wasn't exactly in love with her.
Our parents were friends.
We grew up together.

We don't write anymore. She's
probably going out with somebody else.

Like you.
I even like to say that name.
Today on the mission, I kept saying it
over and over. Daphne.

That's the only air raid
I've ever enjoyed.

Good night.
I don't want to go back.
You don't have to.
What about your landlady?
