Tower of London

Richard? Do you really approve?
Clarence and l are your sons, Mother,
as well as Edward.

What is honor for one Plantagenet
is honor for all of the family.

- Why should l not approve?
- Mother.

Could we not have talked
in our own chambers? Why down here?

The grieving of women
grates on my ears, Clarence.

l've been a soldier too long.
l've seen too many men die
and heard too many women weep.
Do you not want a woman to weep for you?
One will.
One only. My wife Anne.
No others, man or woman,
will redden their eyes
for Richard Plantagenet.

You are wrong.
There are many who think you
the greatest man in England.

When we were children,
there was no such thing as death.
We were three brothers
who would exist forever.

lf we could have known then
the roads we were to travel.

The years haven't changed you.
Even as a child you thrilled to the swords,
the lances, the heat of combat.
To you a battlefield possessed
a grand-sounding name only.

lt was not a field
where men had cruelly shed their blood.

And you, the child of wisdom.
Yes, we were so different.

Yet our love for each other was the same.
That at least will never change.
As long as we both shall live.
