Tower of London

Your Majesty, l beg you, go quickly.
Your driver, Lady Margaret. A pity.
l'm afraid the coach to Scotland
will be delayed.

l have no anger for you, Edward.
You are the victim of an older and...
treasonous mind.
Are you certain the treason
lies with me, my lord,

when our Queen has to seek
sanctuary at Westminster?

ls the church a fortress
that it cannot be breached, Sir Justin?

You wouldn't dare.
My nephew, l am responsible
for your safekeeping.

l cannot again have you put
in a position of danger.

But your action tonight
leaves me no alternative.

Take the Prince to the Garden Tower.
You have lost your mind!
My mind, Sir Justin?
You think my mind has lost its power?

Perhaps you will have more respect for
the power of my men. Take the Prince!

Take your hands off me.
Under ordinary circumstances
l would have had your head.

But as it is, your head is
of more value to me where it is.

l wish you to take a message
to Lord Stanley in the north.

- That message is?
- You will tell Lord Stanley

that Lady Margaret is my prisoner.
