America, America

I believe that some day,
with Allah's help...

all races will live together
in peace, even the Armenians.

That's the hope of mankind.
They are bringing him, my friend,
they are bringing your boy.

A fine young man.

Now, smile.
I am very grateful to you.
It's not only that I like you,
I like all the Greek subject people.

We all know that.
I'm here only for the good
I can do.

I make nothing here,
you realise that.

And I do good.
I do help, don't you think?

Oh, yes.
We're all very grateful.

I was referring particularly to you,
you have a good business here...

the Turkish people like you,
and you have a good business.

We make a living.
Hold him there a moment.
I happen to know you do very well
and that makes me happy.

Very happy.
Come, my dear friend, join us.
Come, come.

Here, here.
To our friends everywhere.
Be grateful the governor
is my friend...

That's the way it is here!
