Bye Bye Birdie

Why did they have to dratt him?
Just when l tinally write a song
he's gonna do.

The title song
of his next picture.

''Mumbo Jumbo Gooey Gumbo.''
Now there's no picture.
There's nothing.

Albert, l have your tinancial statement,
it you really want to hear it.

''Total assets: $312.08.
Liabilities: $4,030.''
you're a fiscal tiasco.

Good-bye, Albert. lt's a sad ending
to a long association.

Yeah. Oh, don't you want
to say good-bye to Pidge?

Almaelou's busted, Pidge. You better
get yourself another meal ticket.

ln six years
l never sold one lousy song.

Maybe they weren't lousy enough.
l don't care
so much about myselt...

but l'm my mother's sole support.
l've wasted every cent
my father lett Mama--

lt's not your tault. Your mother
wants you to be a songwriter.

You can make a good living
as a biochemist.

That's a wonderful profession,
but Mama wants--

Just because she was
once in vaudeville...

doesn't mean you
belong in show business.

Confidentially, l respect my mother,
but I do what I want.

Well, Mama's sensitive.
When l upset her, she faints.

Why, with your ideas, you can
make a tortune in chemistry.

Chemistry. Chemistry?
You sound like Rosie.
