Dr. No

# All over Kingston town, pit-a-pat #
# They got the carving knife #
# To cut the pussy cat's life #
# The puss will get that knife for trifling #
# The three blind mice #
# Oh, the mice... ##
That's it. 100 honours, and 90 below.
Nicely done, Strangways.
I have to give it to you.

I must leave you for a few minutes.
Order a round on my chit, Professor.

Damn it all!
Must you always break off at this time?

My managing director's a creature of
habit. I get a call every day at this time.

Hurry back before the cards get cold.
20 minutes. And don't doctor
any hands for me while I'm away.

Same again.
Bless you, master.
- Hurry, man! Hurry!
- Get away, quick!

W6N... W6N... W6N.
Calling G7W.
How do you hear me? Over.
G7W London. G7W London.
Receiving you. Over.

Stand by to transmit.
Wait. Out.
