From Russia with Love

This man kills for pleasure.
Nice face.
Just a moment. A girl's just come in.
Probably Romanova.
She's the only one who's allowed to.

How does she look to you?
Well, from this angle,
things are shaping up nicely.
I'd like to see her in the flesh.
- Could you get me a plan of that place?
- I wish I could.

The original drawing
must be registered somewhere.

I'll get onto that.
Now, I need a little time
to deal with this stinking Krilencu.

It will be better if you didn't stay
at the hotel tonight. Come!

I see now why you keep the Rolls.
One of my sons is driving it.
With two dummies in the back.

In the opposite direction.
They'll follow it for hours.

You'll like my Gypsy friends.
I use them like
the Russians use the Bulgars.

It's created a blood feud between them.
Hello, Krilencu?
We've come on the wrong night.
Two girls who love the same man
want to kill each other.
