Fun in Acapulco

but it's worth waiting for.
You're not Mexican, are you?
No. Where are you from?
The United States.
l could tell that.
l wish that waiter would hurry.
l've got some rehearsing to do.
Did you say ''rehearsing''?
For lifeguarding?
No, l go on
for El Trovador tonight.

You're an entertainer
plus a lifeguard?

Why not?
Two jobs?
You are ambitious.
Say, what do you do around here?
l'm assistant social director.
Oh. l might just get over
being antisocial, then.

Thank you.
lt's good.
Hey, doc, is it catching?
Vichyssoise must be served
at 40 degrees

not warmer and not colder.
He's only help,
not a paying customer.

Food is food for everybody.
Besides, he's also a guinea pig
for the paying customer.

Go on, get it changed
and get it right!

Hurry up!
''Must be 40 degrees.''
ls he always like that?

Usually worse.
He's got to be kidding,
the old goat.

He isn't kidding
and the old goat is my father.
Oh, l-l-l'm sorry.
Why didn't you introduce
me to the old goa...?

Why didn't you
introduce me to him?

l probably was waiting
for you to trap yourself...

and you did.
l see.
He'll be back.
Much better.
Exactly 40 degrees.

The king's had official tasters.
Why shouldn't l?

Papa, this is Mike Windgren.
How do you do?
Maximillian Dauphin, chief chef.
